Hydrophobic cellulose - Ouest Valorisation

Hydrophobic cellulose

Thématique :
Technologie :

Chemically functionalized cellulosic material using a diazo compound to yield hydrophobic bio-sourced materials.

Cellulose fibers are a highly hydrophilic material by nature. Hence, modifying the surface of cellulose fibers for the synthesis of hydrophobic material could be considered as a most difficult task. However, combining the renewable, biodegradable and non-toxic properties of cellulose fibers with chemical treatment for increasing their water resistance has been a challenge of great interest for the chemists behind this innovation.

The invention concerns ultra-fast reactions for the surface modification of cellulose fibers through covalent approaches using experimentally very simple process. We have selected highly reactive diazo compounds. This technology is a novel approach for synthesis of water insensitive highly hydrophobic cellulose fibers. To illustrate this innovative method, cholesterol was covalently grafted onto cellulose at the lab-scale to yield a new hydrophobic bio-sourced materials with promising results .

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  • Une entreprise qui souhaite commercialiser la solution
Picto fusée
Stade de

TRL5 - Développement de la technologie

Picto laboratoire
de recherche


Picto recherche
de recherche

Equipe CORAIL Catalysis, ORganometallic chemistry And synthesIs of Ligands

Picto idée
intellectuelle associée

EP : EP20175498.3 - filed on the 05-19-2020

DV 4171 - Hydrophobic cellulose

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