Anti IL-34 antibodies - Ouest Valorisation

Anti IL-34 antibodies

Thématique :

New Onco Immunotherapeutic approach for IL34 dependant cancer

IL-34 appears as a pro-metastatic regulator in osteosarcoma, and its inhibition could be a potential therapeutic strategy to block tumor progression.

Researchers have developed an antibody that binds to IL-34 with high affinity and is capable of inhibiting IL-34-mediated cell proliferation and intracellular signal transduction. Using an anti-IL34 antibody, they observed a complete blockage of tumor progression in a syngeneic model of osteosarcoma. According to a study published in PubMed, overexpression of IL-34 was associated with osteosarcoma progression and increased neo-angiogenesis. The study also demonstrated that IL-34 stimulated endothelial cell proliferation and vascular marrow formation. IL-34 is expressed by osteosarcoma cells, is regulated by TNF-α, IL-1β, and contributes to osteosarcoma growth by increasing neoangiogenesis and M2 macrophage recruitment . Another study published in PMC documented the overexpression of IL-34 in several cancers, including osteosarcoma, and its role in promoting tumor progression and the metastatic process. the use of an anti-IL34 antibody could be a promising therapeutic approach to block tumor progression in osteosarcoma.

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IN VIVO - Preuve de concept

Picto laboratoire
de recherche

UMR_S 1238 - PHY-OS

Picto recherche
de recherche

Sarcomes Osseux et Remodelage des Tissus Calcifiés

Picto idée
intellectuelle associée

EP : EP14199494 - filed on the 12-19-2014

DV 2439 - Anti IL-34 antibodies

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